Learn To Code Online

About Our Courses

Coding since 1998

A hands-on introduction to analyzing, designing, coding, and testing computer programs. Students will develop algorithms for problem solving with an emphasis on good programming practices. Students will use programming techniques including control structures, arrays, and subprograms to design and code basic programs using a modern computer language. Other topics include working with data, number systems, and an introduction to object-oriented and event-driven programming

A hands-on study of Microsoft Visual C# programming language with emphasis on object-oriented programming. Topics include control structures, arrays, methods, exception handling and inheritance. Students will develop C# programs in both console and windows modes.

Oriented Programming (OOP) using C++ programming language. Covers class hierarchies and single, repeated, and multiple inheritance. Focuses on abstraction and information hiding. Covers in detail polymorphism and dynamic binding.

Native Android apps will be written in Java and executed in an emulator. Topics include the application architecture, user interface, data persistence, graphics, multimedia, and location-based services. Advanced apps will communicate with device sensors including the accelerometer, microphone and camera. The business of app development is explored, including distributing in the Android Market. Owning an Android device is not required.